STATE CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME RAJASTHAN Cluster Development approach means collective efforts for development of artisans/micro-small enterprises. A cluster is a group of minimum 50 Artisans / micro-small enterprises in the periphery area of 10-15 km, producing similar type of products/complementary products/services, which can be linked together by common physical infrastructure facilities that help address their common challenges. In the Cluster Developments Projects, the following activities are included in the Soft Interventions - - Formation of SHG’s & SPV’s - Skill Development Training - Design Development Training - Marketing Assistance - Fairs and Exhibitions - Tours & Exposure Visits - Buyer – Seller meet - Website Creation and e- marketing. In the Hard Interventions of Cluster Developments Projects Common Facility Centers (CFC) are established as per necessity of the cluster. In the CF...
राजस्थान की कला, संस्कृति, इतिहास, भूगोल व समसामयिक तथ्यों के विविध रंगों से युक्त प्रामाणिक एवं मूलभूत जानकारियों की वेब पत्रिका "The web magazine of various colours of authentic and basic information of Rajasthan's Art, Culture, History, Geography and Current affairs