Central Institute for Arid Horticulture (CIAH), Beechwal , Bikaner --
केन्द्रीय शुष्क बागवानी संस्थान, बीछवाल, बीकानेर---
Realizing the potential of horticultural crops in arid zone and need to achieve nutritional and income security for the people, the ICAR had established National Research Centre for Arid Horticulture (NRCAH) during VII plan after approval of Indian Planning Commission, as recommended by the Working Group on Agricultural Research and Education. The Project Coordinator (Arid Zone Fruits) was assigned additional responsibility of Officer on Special Duty to monitor the progress of NRCAH in November 1990. The land for its establishment was acquired in November, 1992 at a site close to premises of Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. In April, 1993 the Project Coordinator along with the establishment of AICRP on AZF was shifted from HAU, Hissar to Bikaner which actually started functioning at Beechwal, Bikaner from September, 1994. After visualizing the progress made by NRCAH in short span of time and future needs of the arid region, on 27th September, 2000, the...